Organizing Institution: The Canadian Council Of Muslim Women
Contact email:
Start Date: December 4, 2021 (1:00pm)
End Date: December 4, 2021 (3:00pm +03)
Cost: Free
– California – United States
CCMW Durham Chapter invites you to a DARE 2 Workshop on December 4, 2021.
Participants that attend the workshop will receive a Digital Anti-Racism Education Certificate.
About D.A.R.E.2 Project
Funded by the Government of Canada, the Digital Anti-Racism Education 2 (D.A.R.E.2) is designed to start conversations around racism and train communities across Canada, equipping them with effective tools and resources to effectively counter Islamophobia and cyberhate.
As part of the project, CCMW hosted bilingual virtual workshops this summer and trained 300+ participants from across Canada on the impact of Islamophobia and how to counter cyberhate. As D.A.R.E.2 Project enters its second phase, participants who trained this summer will now be hosting community workshops this fall. Using the train the trainer model, CCMW aims to use these workshops to train 700 participants from the larger community: including settlement agencies, law enforcement, school boards, etc. across Canada. For more information about D.A.R.E.2 Project, please visit: