Organizing Institution: Being ME - Muslimah Empowered Toronto
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Start Date: May 29, 2022 (1:00pm)
End Date: May 29, 2022 (4:00pm EDT)
Cost: Free
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Being ME Canada presents:
Girl Talk Monthly Session
Road Map for Success
????Speaker: Dr. Saima Khan
????Date: May 29, 2022
Time: 1 pm EST / 11 am MST
Program Description:
????How do we maintain the integrity of our deen without limiting our career choices?
????How can we get to know our own true strengths, become pioneers and be agile?
????Instead of trying to fit into a preexisting box, how can we create our own space?
????Be the shepherd not the sheep!
About Girl Talk:
Empowering Muslim Girls with sound knowledge of the deen, character development skills, and core competencies to become leaders of the self and others within the community.
Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. Saima W. Khan is a Family Physician with a dual focus practice in Intervention Pain Medicine and Obesity Medicine. She is a graduate of the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, at Western University. She has been practicing in the community for the past 12 years.
She is an Adjunct Faculty both at Western U and UFT and is actively involved in teaching medical clerks and family medicine residents.
She has completed her Diploma in Quran and Bukhari in 2018. She established Chatham Kent Weekend Islamic School (CKWIS) a non-for-profit organization for Canadian Muslim youths to empower them against identity crises.
She is a board member of DawaNet, a federally incorporated Canadian Muslim non-profit organization that focuses on creative and effective methods of bridge-building, charity and outreach and has been offering unique grassroots community-oriented projects like Muslim Fest, HalalServe, Toronto Muslims, Canada Zakat. She is overseeing DawaNet’s Health and Wellness stream, a new initiative to empower Canadian Muslim Physical and Mental Health.
She is an active Public Speaker and presents Health and Wellness topics in light of the Quran and Sunnah in the community. Recently she and her team have been involved in READ Planning (Ramadan Education and Awareness in Diabetes Planning) and has been conducting several workshops and presentations across GTA.
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Limited spots
For ages 10 to 16 years old