Organizing Institution: South West Masjid (CICSW)
Contact email:
Start Date: July 16, 2022 (10:00am)
End Date: July 17, 2022 (2:00pm MDT)
Cost: $50
5615 14 Ave SW – Calgary – Canada
While single, pillars of marriage, roles of husband and wife, and resolving common conflicts between spouses.
Calgary Islamic Centre is pleased to announce and open registration for an intensive 8-hour course introduced by Mufia Aasim Rashid that covers important aspects of married life in Islam that include: While single, pillars of marriage, roles of husband and wife, and resolving common conflicts between spouses. The course will take place on Saturday and Sunday (July 16 and 17).
This course is mainly designed and introduced for three categories:
1- Married couples who look forward to ENHANCE their relationship and understanding of marriage.
2- Single Adults whose marriage is a COMING step in their lives.
3- Youth who are curious and SERIOUS to learn more about the rulings of marriage in Islam.