Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: As-Suffa
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Start Date: November 12, 2022 (10:00am)
End Date: November 12, 2022 (3:00pm)
Cost: £15
As-Suffa Institute – Birmingham – California – United Kingdom

The reality of dreams course is designed to assist the typical Muslim in developing a thorough understanding of the functioning of the dream universe. Students will study how experts interpret dreams in light of the Quran and Sunnah while also receiving the necessary training to interpret their own dreams.

Born and raised in Birmingham, Mufti Liaquat Zaman completed his school and college education before moving to Pakistan at the age of 18 with an intention to seek sacred knowledge. A short hifdh programme preceded official entrance onto the Alimiyyah Course at Jamiah Uloom Al-Islamiyyah, Banori Town where Mufti Liaquat Zaman dedicated the next 8 years of his life. Upon graduation in 2008, Mufti Liaquat Zaman decided to further develop his passion and ability in Fiqh and enrolled onto the Iftah Course at Jamiah Tayyibah, Karachi. Here an intense year of specialisation terminated with Ijaazah in Iftah, whereby Mufti Liaquat Zaman returned to the UK with a view of imparting knowledge to his local community. Mufti Liaquat Zaman has been delivering lectures, khutbahs and courses for a number of years and has become a well-known figure in the community. His desire to reconnect all Muslims, especially the youth, with the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah led him to begin his YouTube Channel and Anchor podcasts as a means of bridging the disconnect between the public and the scholars.

As-Suffa Institute
156 High Street, Aston
Birmingham , B6 4UX United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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