Organizing Institution: Miftaah Institute
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Start Date: August 25, 2023 (7:00pm)
End Date: August 25, 2023 (10:00pm)
Cost: Free
ADAMS STERLING – Sterling – Virginia – United States
Miftaah Seminar: From the Dream to the Throne: An Analysis of Surah Yusuf!
The story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) is presented in the Qur’an as an exemplary model of exhibiting endurance through difficulties, accepting Divine decree and continuing to persevere in the way of Allah (SWT). Surah Yusuf teaches us that the resolve of Dunya is pain and the essence of faith is the belief that our agony serves a purpose, that we will ultimately reap its benefits in the Akhira.
From the Dream to the Throne will present an emotional analysis on the life of Prophet Yusuf (AS) as he drifts through chapters in his life marked with greed, lies, and betrayal and, through the eloquence of the Qur’an, will extract lessons that are potent to the life we live today.