Organizing Institution: Islam Answers
Contact email:
Start Date: August 30, 2023 (18:30)
End Date: August 30, 2023 (20:30 BST)
Cost: £15.00 - $16.96
chai & chapati – Luton – United Kingdom
I hope you are well
We have organised this event for single Muslims who are looking for a spouse, where they can meet in a safe place.
We will be joined by Shaykh Noorud-deen Rashid initially and then time will be allocated for both sides to speak to one another.
Light food and drinks will be provided by the venue.
If you are bringing a Mehram please purchase two tickets due to limited seats at the venue.
You can also sign up to our online service and complete the form to be added to the register:
For more information please contact 07783899645