Sister’s Circle: Refreshing our Lives with Worship

Sister’s Circle: Refreshing our Lives with Worship
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: As-Suffa
Contact email:
Start Date: August 27, 2023 (3:00pm)
End Date: August 27, 2023 (5:00pm)
Cost: Free
As-Suffa Institute – Aston – United Kingdom

Amongst the oceans of Prophetic guidance, one of the most popular themes is the virtue of knowledge and its people. A people for whom the angels lower their wings and even the fish of the sea seek forgiveness for. Understanding the great bounties of embarking on this blessed journey, one may pursue the sacred sciences with great eagerness. However, without recognition of the core of elements of a successful student, this eager student will also start to falter.

Join us this month as we learn about the most important components of a successful student and then explore some beautiful examples from the many successful and noble students this ummah has seen. Learn how to properly adorn yourself with the light of knowledge and become a beacon of knowledge yourself, inshaa Allah.

As-Suffa Institute
156 High Street
Aston , Birmingham B6 4UX United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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