Quranic Arabic Program – Level 1A – at the Lighthouse Mosque

Quranic Arabic Program – Level 1A – at the Lighthouse Mosque
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Lighthouse Mosque
Start Date: October 23, 2021 (10:00am PDT)
End Date: October 23, 2021
Cost: $75
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/quranic-arabic-program-level-1a-at-the-lighthouse-mosque-tickets-170472590106?aff=ebdssbdestsearch
Lighthouse Mosque – Oakland – California – United States

Lighthouse Mosque in Oakland, California is ready to pilot Fawakih, an Qur’anic Arabic Program with an innovative approach.

Course Description: Level One – Materials Donated by Fawakih

Level One Covers:

Introduction to Morphology, Introduction to Grammar Syntax, Introduction to Communication – Listening , Writing, and Speaking Component, and Introduction to Critical Reading

Teacher bio:

Danielle Swan first fell in love with Arabic while attending Zaytuna College’s Summer Arabic Intensive in 2016. While completing Zaytuna’s undergrad program between 2017-2021, she took as many supplementary Arabic courses as possible. In addition to loving the language, she grew fond of supporting others who struggled with it. Danielle recently started teaching at Averroes High School and also works with an Islamic elementary school in the Bay Area. When not distracted by her obsession with her cat or engaged in contemplative discussions with her roomate, she pursues studies in advanced Arabic, classical tafsīr, and uṣūl al-fiqh.

 Quranic Arabic Program - Level 1A - at the Lighthouse Mosque image

Lighthouse Mosque
620 42nd Street
Oakland , California 94609 United States
+ Google Map

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