Organizing Institution: Women's Mosque of Canada
Contact email:
Start Date: April 23, 2023 (12:00pm)
End Date: April 23, 2023 (2:00pm EDT)
Cost: $10.00
The Atrium – Toronto – California – Canada
Come celebrate with us! Join The Women’s Mosque of Canada as we mark our 5th Year Anniversary and Eid al-Fitr on April 23, 2023 from 12 PM to 2 PM. We invite you to this special yearly celebration to share our accomplishments and milestones from the last 5 years, and to celebrate Eid together as a community.
Our event is open to all, and we encourage everyone to attend and join us in celebrating this special occasion. You’ll be treated to delicious food and drinks, and we promise it will be a day filled with joy, laughter, and friendship.
We’ll have an exciting program planned for the day, and we’ll share more details about it soon. All ticket fees will be used as donations towards our two funds: the Hardship Fund and the General Operating Fund.
The Hardship Fund helps support women who are living in shelters and dealing with cases of religious abuse or honour based violence. We are committed to working with women to help them find their voice, self-agency, and for them to live a free life with dignity. By donating to this fund, you’ll be helping us provide them with the essentials they need such as clothing, food, shelter, and transportation costs.
The General Operating Fund allows us to hire skilled staff to support with counselling and/or support services offered to women, including but not limited to legal support, trauma-informed supportive counselling, and spiritual counselling to address issues of shame, among others.
So, please come join us for a fun-filled and meaningful celebration! We can’t wait to celebrate with you!
*All proceeds will be used as donations for the Women’s Mosque of Canada and to the Hardship Fund, supporting vulnerable women in need.
We believe that everyone should have access to our event. If you require financial assistance to attend, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at *