A Spiritual Retreat With Shaykh Yusri Rushdhi Jabar

A Spiritual Retreat With Shaykh Yusri Rushdhi Jabar
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Hounslow Jamia Masjid & Islamic Centre
Contact email: info@hounslowmasjid.co.uk
Start Date: August 26, 2022 (5:00)
End Date: September 2, 2022 (22:00 BST)
Cost: Free
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-spiritual-retreat-with-shaykh-yusri-rushdhi-jabar-tickets-396760390007?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1
Hounslow Jamia Masjid & Islamic Centre – Hounslow – California – United Kingdom

We are pleased to announce the official visit of Dr. Shaykh Yusri Rushdy Al-Sayyid Jabr to the United Kingdom

Hounslow Jamia Masjid & Islamic Centre


We are pleased to announce the official visit of Dr. Shaykh Yusri Rushdy Al-Sayyid Jabr to the United Kingdom


Friday 26th August – Friday 2nd September (subject to change with notice to all attendees)


Dr. Shaykh Yusri will be hosted by Hounslow Jamia Masjid to hold a series of special lessons throughout the day (Fajr – Isha) on the commentary of Sahih al-Bukhari, Purification of the Soul, Circle of Remembrance, and Q&A Sessions.


Dr. Shaykh Yusri is one of the most reputable scholars in Egypt and the Middle East who holds credentials in academia as well as Islam.


Born in Cairo, he is a qualified cardio and vascular surgeon who graduated from the University of Cairo in 1983 with a Masters’s Degree, he began his journey in Islamic sciences by memorising the Qur’ān in the Riwāyah of Hafs with a sound chain, and then also pursued into graduating in the traditional sciences of Islam from Al-Azhar University.


Dr. Shaykh Yusri specialises in teaching various Islamic sciences such as Tafsīr, Hadīth, Fiqh (Shāfi’i), and Aqīdah at the grand mosque of Al-Azhar as well as various Mosques and institutes across Egypt as well as globally

Register now

The event is open to brothers and sisters

Hounslow Jamia Masjid & Islamic Centre
367 Wellington Road South
Hounslow , TW4 5HU United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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