A Step by Step Guide to Salah

A Step by Step Guide to Salah
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Everlasting Adventures UK
Contact email: cho@forgottenwomen.org
Start Date: March 13, 2022 (10:00 GMT)
End Date: March 13, 2022 (17:00 GMT)
Cost: £5.98
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-step-by-step-guide-to-salah-tickets-251465890247?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1
London Muslim Centre – London – United Kingdom
A Step by Step Guide to the 5 Daily Salah

by Step Guide to Salah

Salah. It is the second Pillar of our blessed religion. But did you know why?

The actual word ‘Salah’ in Arabic means connection, contact, or communication. In this, we understand that salah is our connection with the Almighty.

Forgotten Women have organized a fundraising event at just £5 where you learn all the fundamentals of Salah.

At just £5 for the day, this is what you can expect:

– An event comprising of one day which covers everything you need to know about praying salah.

– A one-day intensive covering each step with demonstrations for both men and women.

– Step by step guidance from renowned Sheikh Kauther Ali, including the motions and how and what to pray.

– Learning materials/handouts will be given.


Judgement-free zone; we teach with the intention for all. Whether you are new to salah, whether you are from a different community, whether you are male or female, we teach with the intention that every student begins as a clean slate and will leave this course with the knowledge on how to perform the 5 days daily.

Bonus: how to perform Taraweeh segment.

Who can attend: men and women, children with supervising adults, whoever you are on whatever part of your Muslim journey, you are welcome.

Just bring yourselves, pen and paper, and plenty of enthusiasm for learning one of the blessed fard of a Muslim!

At £5, and just in time for Ramadhan, you’re preparing for the best month in the best of ways; by perfecting your salah.

DATE: 13th March 10am-5pm

VENUE: London Muslim Centre, Ground Floor Hall, 46 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1JX



Visit: salah.eventbrite.co.uk

Message or call Cho on: 00 44 7534823846

Email: cho@forgottenwomen.org

London Muslim Centre
Ground Floor Hall, 46 Whitechapel Road
London , E1 1JX United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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