A Training Masterclass in Islamic counselling, therapy and healing (CPD).

A Training Masterclass in Islamic counselling, therapy and healing (CPD).
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Eclectic House
Start Date: May 20, 2023 (12:00)
End Date: May 20, 2023 (18:00 BST)
Cost: £55.00
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/a-training-masterclass-in-islamic-counselling-therapy-and-healing-cpd-tickets-629623880977?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1
Nuttall Street Nuttall Street – Blackburn – United Kingdom

This training is open to all & will allow you to enhance your skills professionally and personally within the field of mental and spiritual health, This course will provide you with great insight into happiness, healing, peace and all its components, The aim is to bridge the understanding and make sense of Islam, individuality, culture, faith & spirituality in the real and contemporary world, touching upon all topics and issues an individual/community may be facing.

Also touching upon different psyche models from a faith and secular perspective within the holistic framework and its practical application – lastly this course is undergoing CPD accreditation and you will receive an accredited certification which is recognized internationally, this will help you enhance your CV and further your career in any human interaction professions.


– Full day training (BLACKBURN) 12 – 6pm.

– The philosophy of happiness & peace.

– Healing from the Islamic perspective.

– The Psychospiritual & holistic model.

– Eclectic house methods & practice.

– Scenarios & case studies – with Q&A.

– Exploration of private practice.

– Follow up training & community packages.

– Follow up Training and workshops in your city.

– Training and Educational steps to healing individuals and communities, for a better way of understanding, living and healing the world around us.

– Support to help you deliver your own workshops.

– Help start your own private practice & continued training and consulting.

– Specific & Custom made training and educational workshops for individuals, organisations and communities all over the world (Islamic healing).

– Educational & interactive Islamic and cultural workshops (Q&A).

– Group specific workshops & discussions, gender focused, youth discussions and culture/age sensitive topics.

– After care services such as, counselling, group/family therapy, support groups, youth initiatives, sign posting, addressing community needs, walk ins and much more.

– Help us help you create a healthier, happier community.

– Available for Public and private spaces, organisations, mosques and institutions.

It all starts with you, Create and be part of the change you want to see in your communities, family friends and yourself, Healing ourselves allows us to heal the world around us.

More upcoming events

05/13/24 – 04/13/25
Counselling Tutorial Academy 8