Al-Fatihah Online Workshop

Al-Fatihah Online Workshop
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: The Modern Muslimah Project
Start Date: January 2, 2022 (15:00)
End Date: January 2, 2022 (18:00 +03)
Cost: $29.37
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Re-Visit Al Fatihah with Ustazah Nazeerah Sh.Alwie

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Rahiim

Course Name

Re-Visit Al Fatihah

Course Synopsis

An intimate and content-packed 3 hours session, specifically designed for ladies keen to re-learnt Al Fatihah, will discuss in-depth InsyaAllah the following: –

Manners; which seekers of sacred knowledge MUST adorn themselves with…

Virtues of Surah Al-Fatehah…

In-Depth Analysis of Surah Al-Fatehah…

Towards Becoming a Muslimah, Mu’minah and Muhsinah…

And many more insyaAllah.

Who Should attend?

Muslimah of all ages and backgrounds…

Muslimah who is eager to deepen her comprehending of her deen (because this course is not about Tafseer only, but it goes beyond that) …

Muslimah who wishes to understand her conversations with her Rabb via Solaah…

Why you should attend?

:: Do you have the suspicion that al-Fatihah is much, much more than what you have always thought it to be? ::

:: Have you ever wondered what is so special about Surah al-Fatihah that every single Muslim is required to memorize it?::

:: Have you ever wondered why you were commanded to recite al-Fatihah, out of all other Surahs, every single time you pray (that’s at least 17 times of reciting al-Fatihah each day!)?::

:: What is so special about this Surah?::

:: Can this Surah really change my life?::

:: Is this Surah like any other Surah in the Quran?::

:: Fatihah is indispensable, from our Salaah, our lives? How so?::

Commitment Fee



At your own comfort zone, via ZOOM


Sunday, 2nd January 2022, 8 pm -11 pm

For more information/registration, please drop a message to


Nazeerah Shaik Alwie

Nazeerah Shaik Alwie is a proud graduate of Alsagoff Arabic School, where she completed her GCE O Levels and emerged as the School Best Student. She then received her Diploma in Islamic Foundation & Theology majoring in Quranic Interpretation from Insaniah, located in Kedah, Malaysia and upon completion; she was awarded the Best Student Award from the Sultan of Kedah.

She then continued her Degree in Al-Azhar University in Egypt and graduated with Honours in the same specialization, after which, she pursued her Masters, majoring in Da’awah (Islamic Propagation) and graduated in 2009 with a First-Class Honour from the American Open University of Cairo.

Her transition as an educator started as early as her secondary school years, where she offered tuitions for her juniors in Alsagoff Arabic School as well as various learning centres; teaching kids and youths Islamic Studies and Arabic Language. Nazeerah believes in being a friend-cum-guider rather than a literal teacher in the journey of educating and moulding her students. She taught the Arabic Language at the National University of Singapore and is currently a freelance translator and public speaker. She is the co-founder of The Modern Muslimah Project (FB & IG) and shares her insights along with Ustazah Ne’maat Sukor in the YouTube Channel – The Modern Muslimah Project. Ustazah Nazeerah is a student of life and a mother of 3 MasyaAllah khalifahs.

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