Organizing Institution: Cape Town Muslim Events
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: April 3, 2022 (11:15am)
End Date: April 24, 2022 (12:30pm)
Cost: R290.00 per device
– California – United States
- Sundays for 4 Sessions
- Starting 3rd April 2022
- Ends 24th April 2022
- 11.15am to 12.30pm
- This course is Online only
- Ramadan Series
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
“I was sent to perfect good character.” [Bukhari, al-Adab al-Mufrad]
Who would have thought it? The prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him] describes the sum totality of his mission as “the perfection of good character.” As such it is a comprehensive term that succinctly describes the body of his universal teachings that aim to produce best-case scenarios for its practitioners in this world and the next.
The importance of good character and accompanying good manners in Islam cannot, therefore, be overemphasized. At times it outweighs the performance of acts of worship and at other times it even determines whether the reward of acts of worship is secure or whether it will slip through your fingers. Certainly, a Muslim is negligent if s/he does not take due cognizance of the importance of good manners and strives on a daily basis to improve their own unique set of it.
This is where “The Art of Manners” comes in. In this course, we will discuss the merit and significance of good character.
Its true nature will be exposed so that it is correctly identified and can easily be acquired.
It will then be dissected into its primary divisions with a special focus on the qualities of:
a) acknowledgment of personal deficiency,
b) gratitude for divine gifts
c) authentic knowledge,
d) generosity of being,
e) patience,
f) responsiveness to others and
g) trueness of faith.
All of this will then find expression in one overlying principle which when focused upon will highlight the true worth of character while at the same time showing the way to its easiest manner of acquisition.
The course is suitable for any and all Muslims who wish to improve themselves, especially in Ramadan. It will greatly assist in the production of taqwa which is the primary purpose behind the great fast of Ramadan.
As always CTME and The Sakinah Foundation strive to serve the community and provide it with what it needs. The Art of Manners is the next stage in that service. In sha Allah
Moulana Muaadth Allie is the Director and founder of The Sakinah Foundation, Co-Imam at the Castle Town Road Masjid, Graduate of Darul Ulum Newcastle (KZN). Marriage counselor, Cape Town Muslim Events and The Knowledge Zone resident lecturer, Jumuah lecturer all around Western Cape & Free-lance Islamic / Spiritual adviser. Teaching since 1998
Online: Via Zoom Webinar
Investment (per person) Fee includes:
- Notes via Whatsapp or email for online students
Once Off Fee – R290.00 per device