Organizing Institution: Miftaah Institute
Start Date: August 26, 2023 (7:00pm)
End Date: August 26, 2023 (9:00pm)
Cost: Free
MIFTAAH INSTITUTE – WARREN – Michigan – United States
Miftaah Graduation: Join us in honoring our Miftaah Associate, Seekers, Summer Immersion, and Miftaah Online Graduates!
Embarking on the path to knowledge is a very personal journey and students should be recognized for their dedication towards learning their Deen and attaining that virtue. Therefore, we cordially invite you to the Miftaah Institute 2023 Graduation Ceremony where we will be honoring our students!
Join us in applauding our graduates who have dedicated their time to learning the sacred sciences and grasping major Islamic principles with the hope of achieving one goal: attaining the pleasure of Allah (SWT). Inshallah we will be having graduates from our Three Year Associate of Islamic Studies Program, Seekers Program, Summer Immersion Program and Miftaah Online!