Organizing Institution: C.E.R.W.I.S
Contact email:
Start Date: August 26, 2023 (10:00am)
End Date: August 27, 2023 (3:00pm EDT)
Cost: $0 – $60
Masjid Ash-Shaheed – Charlotte – North Carolina – United States
With Allah’s Name, the Merciful Benefactor, the Merciful Redeemer
As Salaamu Alaikum! Allah has blessed us as we the sisters of C.E.R.W.I.S. (Committee to Enhance the Role of Women in Society) invite you to attend our 14th Annual Conference at Masjid Ash Shaheed in Charlotte, NC. Our theme is Health Healing, and Hope For Vibrant Community Life.
Conference Registration includes Saturday continental Breakfast, Lunch, and Sunday Brunch. Insha’Allah you will make plans now to join us on:
Saturday, August 26 through Sunday, August 27, 2023
Masjid Ash Shaheed
400 W. Sugar Creek Road
Charlotte, NC 28213
Guest Speaker: Dr. Jeanette Hablullah
Jeanette Hablullah is a Doctor of Naturopathy, Divinely guided Healer and student and instructor of Quranic Arabic. She has worked as a wholistic healer since 1992 when she entered the field as a Reflexologist. Dr. Jeanette completed her Naturopathic studies in 1995 from the Clayton College, went on to study Oriental Medicine in Chicago, Illinois at Harmony Health Center and completed an intensive course in Botanical Medicine at Tai Sophia in Maryland (2006). She has travelled extensively to present lectures and seminars on various aspects of wholistic philosophies and techniques.
Dr. Jeanette has also been studying Quran for over 30 years, including Intensive Study with Martin University and Bayyinah Institute and has memorized seven ajzaa’a (30th sections). She teaches Quran Reading and Comprehension at Masjid William Salaam in Norfolk, Virginia and at the Farm of Peace in Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania, where she has been an instructor for seven years. She also leads an amazing group of women in a monthly study and discussion of topics selected from the Quran known as the Sisters Quran Study Group, which celebrated their 10thh Anniversary in May of 2018,
Dr. Jeanette has worked for and with some of very well known Islamic organizations in the U.S., including ISNA, Islamic Foundation of Villa Park, Illinois and the International League of Muslim Women. She frequently leads retreats combining Quranic knowledge with her understanding of wholistic principles and also has developed original retreats such as Sacredness of Women, Lessons From the Life of Maryam Umm Eesaa and Surah tul Faatihah: Her Meanings and Messages.
She is author of “The Magnificent Organ” and “Orientation to Wholistic Thought” and has many newsletters available on her website from seven years of publication ( She also provided service as a Spiritual Counselor and Educator for a women’s shelter in Baltimore, Maryland for some years, and continues to serve there as a Consultant.
In addition, enabled by an undergraduate degree in Spanish and French, Dr. Jeanette teaches weekly classes in Conversational and Beginning Spanish at Prime Plus in Norfolk, Virginia.
Dr. Jeanette completed the Hajj in January of 2006. She has five children, seven grandchildren, one great grandchild and currently resides in the state of Virginia.
Guest Hotel
Charlotte has a dazzling cityscape that invites you to discover the sights and sounds of the Queen City. Charlotte is a blend of Southern charm and cosmopolitan amenities, so it should come as no surprise that groups of all ages and sizes will find plenty to keep them busy.
A block of Hotel rooms has been reserved:
Ask for the CERWIS Group Rate
August 25-27, 2023
For Information: Teresa Mutakabbir
(704) 564-4940
Masjid Ash-Shaheed
400 West Sugar Creek Road
Charlotte , North Carolina 28213 United States
+ Google Map