Organizing Institution: Muslim Women of Cambridge
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: June 10, 2022 (5:00pm)
End Date: June 24, 2022 (7:00pm EDT)
Cost: Free
The W – Cambridge – Canada
MWC is excited to collaborate with Sound Vision to announce our first series Parent-Youth workshop! Check the description for our schedule!
We hear the same complaint from both the parents and the youth: they don’t listen to me. They don’t understand me. We’re here to help you understand why.
Muslim Women of Cambridge is collaborating with Sound Vision to bring to you an exciting series of workshop for both, parents, and the youth.
My parents don’t get me. They’re too cultural. They’re so strict.
Sound familiar? Well then this workshop is for you.
We’ll help you answer these questions:
- How can I get my mom and dad to understand my perspective?
- How can I build my connection with them?
- How can I make them understand the culture here?
- How can I ask them for help?
- Do they even want to help me?
- Why did they even bring us to Canada if they want to follow the culture back home?
My kids are too busy for me. They don’t get how much we’ve sacrificed for them. They don’t fear Allah.
Sounds familiar? Well, then parents, this workshop is for you.
We’ll help you answer these questions:
- How do I get my kids to understand how difficult it is to raise kids in Canada?
- Why don’t they just follow our family’s culture?
- Why are they always on their phone and don’t sit and talk with me?
There will be door-prizes for youth who attend!
Please sign up according to the schedule below.
- June 3, 2022 – Youth workshop: Can I be a Muslim and a Canadian? Imam Shuaib Mansoori
- June 10, 2022 – Parents workshop: Raising confident Canadian Muslims – Aamina Adham
- June 17, 2022 – Youth workshop: Conflict resolution in the family – Maariyah Baig
- June 24, 2022 – Parent workshop: Conflict Resolution in the family – Hanaa Rashid