Organizing Institution: University Of Michigan
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: April 18, 2022 (4:00pm ET)
End Date: April 18, 2022 (5:30pm ET)
Cost: Free
Weiser Hall – Ann Arbor – Michigan – United States
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required if you intend to participate virtually. Once you’ve registered, the joining information will be sent to your email.
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An Afghan journalist’s perspective on the war, democracy, the United States withdrawal, and return of the Taliban to power. Jawad Sukhanyar will discuss issues like human rights, the absence of press freedom, and democratic institutions. How is the Taliban ruling the country? Trying to introduce their variant of Islam called Taliban-ism, resorting to religious nationalism, and more.
Jawad Sukhanyar worked as a journalist for major news agencies in Afghanistan, where he reported for The New York Times for 8 years. He was also a freelance journalist and wrote analytical pieces for various outlets including the Eurasia Review. In early 2020 he served as a media adviser in the office of the first vice president of Afghanistan. At the University of Michigan, as Journalist-in-residence, Jawad will work on his project, “Post-US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Afghan peace process and fate of press freedom,” where he will look into what went wrong with the US mission in Afghanistan that ended in chaos and humiliation. His main focus will be to examine the outcomes of the withdrawal and whether it could have been done differently. Also, he will touch upon the Afghan peace process which led to a dead-end after the Taliban took over the country and formed their interim government. The consequences of US departure have been dire, and have already resulted in the mass starvation of millions of Afghans inside the country, women being denied their rights to education, and the freedom of the press crumbling. As a journalist, Jawad reported the Afghan story for many years. While at the University of Michigan, he will participate in panel discussions and offer talks and potential lectures on his area of expertise.
DISC Global Islam programming and co-sponsored events are made possible through the generous financial support of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
If there is anything we can do to make this event accessible to you, please contact [email protected]. Please be aware that advance notice is necessary as some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange.