Enjoy Your Salah

Enjoy Your Salah
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Cape Town Muslim Events
Contact email: info@ctme.co.za
Start Date: August 7, 2023 (7:15pm)
End Date: August 7, 2023 (8:30pm)
Cost: 2 payments of R250.00
Website: https://ctme.co.za/enjoy-your-salah-taste-the-sweetness/
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Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could pray every single rakʿah (unit) of every ṣalāh with complete concentration, calmness and humility?

Imagine wanting to pray ṣalāh. Not just because you have to, but because you love to. Imagine rushing to ṣalāh every time you face a difficulty or feel anxious. Imagine being able to pray throughout the night like the Messenger ﷺ did, for hours on end, prolonging your standing, rukūʿ and sujūd. Imagine not being attacked by Shayṭān’s whispers in your ṣalāh. Imagine actually enjoying your ṣalāh.

Prayer, the first obligation after Shahadah, The most beloved act to our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), The defining factor between being Muslim or not, The foremost deed we’ll be questioned about on Judgment Day.

With numerous virtues and abundant rewards, Yet many of us merely perform it out of obligation, Only a few truly relish their prayers.

Let us strive to connect deeply and keep our hearts alive during prayers, To taste the sweetness of this divine act!

In this course, we aim to enlighten our hearts, And, In sha Allah, help us all derive joy from our Salah.

May Allah guide us in learning and applying these lessons!

We intend covering:

  • Salah, A Gift for the Ummah
  • Levels of Prayer/Salah
  • Getting Ready for Salah
  • Standing in Salah
  • Motions & Emotions of Rukoo, Sujood & Tashaahud
  • After Salah
  • Forgotten Sunnahs of Salah
  • How Shaitaan tries to Steal from our Prayers
  • Rewards of Salah
  • Khushoo increases and decreases with Imaan

Who Should Attend This Online Course? 

Open to both males and females

Ages from 16 to 60+

Instructor: Mualima Zaitoon Ebrahim

Born and raised in Cape Town, Zaitoon Ebrahim is a motivational speaker, artist, mom of 2 boys, and author. She obtained bachelor’s degree in Islamic Theology at Islamic College of Southern Africa and started her career as an Islamic studies educator at Madrassatul Quds. During this time, she managed youth events with an NGO, facilitating events, camps, and leadership training for adults and youth. Being involved with the youth, she also co-presented on radio Voice of the Cape for one year on the show, ‘For Young Individuals. The key focus of this programme was to educate young individuals about entrepreneurship and personal growth.

In addition to this, she obtained a Diploma in Project Management, a diploma in Didactics, and certification in Life Coaching, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, and Therapeutic Art Coaching.

Date and Time:

Mondays for 7 weeks
Starting 7th August 2023
Ends 18th September 2023
7.15pm to 8.30pm

Investment: (per household. 1 device login)

Payment Option A:

Early Bird – R450.00 once off [Pay only once and save R50]


Payment Option B:
2 payments of R250.00  (once on registration in order to secure your seat and 2nd payment after the 3rd class)


  • Zoom Meeting Live
  • Sessions are also recorded to view after up to the 1 week

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