Organizing Institution: Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: November 26, 2021 (17:00)
End Date: November 26, 2021 (18:30 +03)
Cost: Free
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Omid Safi (Duke University): Decolonizing Sufism: Sufism between Apolitical “Moderate” Islam and New Age Appropriation
On IAIS and Habib University Facebook Pages
Exeter-Habib Seminars
Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities
Fridays 4 pm BST (8 pm Karachi) – then Fridays 5 pm GMT (9 pm Karachi)
In the academic year, 2020-2021, Habib University’s program in Comparative Humanities and the University of Exeter’s Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies launched a fortnightly webinar series titled, Islam After Colonialism. The series charted the dramatic transformations – under the devastating global impact of modern apartheid colonial rule – in the nature of ‘Islam’ in South Asia, across culture, religion, politics, society, and the arts.
The decolonial question of alternative pasts and futures was an important part of the series, given that contemporary concepts and imaginations of history, religion, politics, and ethics remain hostage to the modern colonial heritage. This year, our new series Decolonial Islamic Spiritualities will focus on the spiritual, ethical, and religious resources that have been marginalized or obscured through the co-optation of ‘religion’ by colonialism and its inheritor, nationalism.