Organizing Institution: Faith
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: December 10, 2022 (16:30)
End Date: December 10, 2022 (20:00 GMT)
Cost: £5 – £7.50
255-259 Commercial Rd – London – United Kingdom
Being a Muslim in the West, especially since the advent of social media, can sometimes be confusing…
Join us this December for the Fiqh of Celebrations with Ustadh Shabbir Hassan (Faith Space UK) & Ustadh Farhan Mahmood (Q-Iman) for a comprehensive and practical seminar covering the following:
- The general Islamic stance on celebrations
- The difference between religious & non-religious celebrations
- Discussing specific cases with evidences on birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, and more
- Can we greet and congratulate non-Muslims on their festivals?
- Can we receive or exchange gifts with non-Muslims during the festive season?
- Discussing key terms such as Tashabbuh (imitation of non-Muslims), Bid’ah (heresy/innovation), and more
We have limited spaces in-person so please sign up as soon as possible. You also have the option to purchase the recording for this seminar (please note there will be no live stream offered and the seminar recording will not be available immediately as it will take time to be processed, edited, and uploaded)
Event Itinerary:
4:30 PM – Doors open (drinks & networking)
5:00 PM – Seminar start
8:00 PM – Seminar end
Don’t forget… Come as you are, to Faith as it is!
If you have any questions, you can DM us on @FaithSpaceUK – we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. We can’t wait to welcome you back to our space!
255-259 Commercial Rd
255-259 Commercial Road Floor 1
London , E1 2BT United Kingdom
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