Organizing Institution: Elmahaba Center
Contact email:
Start Date: April 6, 2022 (6:30pm CDT)
End Date: April 6, 2022 (8:00pm CDT)
Cost: Free
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We’ll have iftar at 6:30 pm before the talk. We will provide vegan and vegetarian options for our Coptic members and also non-Coptic members for Lent, alongside non-vegan options for other community members.
Ali El-Chaer is a local Palestinian artist (website: living in Nashville who has often been censored for their outspokenness on the violence against Palestinians, especially during the Sheikh Jarrah cleaning in 2021. Ali plans to speak for 30 minutes and then open the floor for questions and discussion.
This event is hosted by Elmahaba Center, nonprofit serving Arabic-speaking immigrants in Nashville who make up the second-largest demographic of immigrants in Nashville. This event is part of our celebration of Arab American Heritage Month.
This event is FREE. A donation to the organization is NOT required to attend. Donations to Elmahaba will be used for our mutual aid fund to our Arab neighbors. We also encourage you to check out Ali’s artwork and support local artists for their labor of truth-telling.