Friday Nights: Mufti Kamani – Content & Purposeful

Friday Nights: Mufti Kamani – Content & Purposeful
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Islamic Center of Greater Austin
Start Date: November 5, 2021 (7:45pm)
End Date: November 5, 2021 (9:30pm CDT)
Cost: Free
Islamic Center of Greater Austin – Austin – Texas – United States
Please join us for an amazing night program at the Islamic Center of Greater Austin

About this event

On November 5th, The Islamic Center of Greater Austin is hosting Mufti Hussain Kamani for a Jummah Khutbah and a very beneficial night program. Please invite your families and kids, as Mufti Kamani will discuss on the virtues of patience in the life of a believer.

Address: 5110 Manor RD., Austin, Texas 78723

Jummah Khutbah: 1PM

Isha: 7:45PM

About Mufti Kamani: Mufti Hussain Kamani is an instructor at Qalam. He teaches in a number of programs, including the Qalam Seminary, Hadith Intensive, hajj, Seerah Umrah, and several seminars. He has also recorded a number of series on the Qalam Podcast including Lives of the Prophets and the 40 Hadith of Imam An-Nawawi.

He currently resides in Dallas, TX with his wife and four children. He also serves as a resident scholar for the the Islamic Association of Carrollton (Masjid Al-Rahman).

Mufti Hussain Kamani was born and raised in Elizabethtown, Kentucky. His journey to pursue sacred Islamic knowledge began at age 6. By the age of 9, he completed the memorization of the Holy Quran. To further advance his studies in the Islamic Sciences, he traveled to the United Kingdom and pursued formal Islamic authorizations (ijazahs). For 7 years, Mufti Kamani studied a rigorous curriculum covering the Arabic language and literature, Islamic jurisprudence, Tafseer of the Holy Qur’an, Hadith, Islamic Philosophy, and Aqeedah. Afterwards, he was selected for a post-graduate level course in Islamic Law and Legal Verdicts, which he completed within two years. He later earned his graduate degree in Business Management from the University of Coventry in the UK.

Islamic Center of Greater Austin
5110 Manor Road Austin, TX 78723 United States
Austin , Texas 78723 United States
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