Organizing Institution: Islamic Center of Greater Austin
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: April 1, 2022 (7:30 PM)
End Date: April 1, 2022 (10:30 PM CDT)
Cost: Free
Islamic Center of Greater Austin – Austin – Texas – United States
Alhamduillah, we are blessed to have Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans join us for a Jummah Khutbah and community night Program followed by Nasheed by Qari Kamil, who is our reciter for this years Taraweeh.
Jummah Khutbah: 1:15PM
Night Program After Maghreb , and followed by short Nasheeds by Qari Kamil to start Ramadan.
Free Babysitting Available:
Ustadh Ubaydullah Evans is ALIM’s first Scholar-in-Residence. He converted to Islam while in high school. Upon conversion, Ustadh Ubaydullah began studying some of the foundational books of Islam under the private tutelage of local scholars while simultaneously pursuing a degree in journalism from Columbia.
Since then he has studied at Chicagoland’s Institute of Islamic Education (IIE), in Tarim, Yemen, and Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, where he is the first African-American to graduate from its Shari’a program.
Ustadh Ubaydullah also instructs with the Ta’leef Collective and the Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN) at times.
As the ALIM Scholar-in-Residence, Ustadh Ubaydullah is a core instructor at the ALIM Summer Program. He teaches History of Islamic Law, Shama’il, and Aphorisims of Ibn Ata’illah along with other courses.
Islamic Center of Greater Austin
5110 Manor Road
Austin , Texas 78723 United States
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