From Authoritarianism to Radical Empowerment ~ Islam, Anarchism and the Ummah [Online Forum]

From Authoritarianism to Radical Empowerment ~ Islam, Anarchism and the Ummah [Online Forum]
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: winsdom
Start Date: March 19, 2023 (3:00pm)
End Date: March 19, 2023 (5:30pm GMT)
Cost: $5
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From Authoritarianism to Radical Empowerment ~ Islam, Anarchism and the Ummah [Online Forum]

Date: Sun 19th March 2023
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:30 PM GMT
Where: online via Zoom

With Mohamed Abdou, author of Islam and Anarchism

Register HERE

In an era of capitalist nation states and patriarchal power structures, this interactive online forum will center on how Islam offers a framework for mutual empowerment and a more egalitarian society.

We will touch on key Islamic concepts that support anti-authoritarian practises – such as Tawhid (allegiance to God alone), Shura (mutual consultation/deliberation) and Ijma (mutual consensus) – and which Muslims have tended to move away from over time, leading to disempowerment and the lessening of our collective potential.

For Wisdom In Nature (WiN), a key aspect we value and offer trainings in, is how to build collective power in organisations and change-making. To support this, we draw on collaborative decision making processes, permaculture and other powerful group work approaches within an Islamic framework.

Our vision is the co-creation of the regenerative systems and structures we need, at a time when the dominant ones we depend on are not only feeding the ecological and social crises, but are also crumbling.

Within this forum, we will also hear more about the concept of Ummah, often assumed to refer only to Muslims. Instead we will hear about Ummah as referring to the shared ethico-political commitments that are lived, and which perhaps transcends whether one identifies with any named religion or not.

Other themes we may touch on depending on the flow of the conversation, include: white supremacy, decolonialism, what it means to be indigenous, and the key need for spiritually lived, radical alternatives to capitalist, nation state structures.

More Info / Register HERE

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