Help Us to Build A State-Of-The-Art Islamic Library in Regina Harbour Landi

Help Us to Build A State-Of-The-Art Islamic Library in Regina Harbour Landi
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Al-Baaqi Foundation
Contact email:
Start Date: August 26, 2023 (6:00pm)
End Date: August 26, 2023 (7:00pm CST)
Cost: Donation
1950 Broad St unit# 200 – Regina – Canada

The Al-Baaqi Islamic Library (ABIL) in Regina, SK has always been a diverse and hospitable institution in Regina. The Library has been serving the needs of the Muslim community through Quran classes, weekend schools, and many other beneficial programs. Now the time has come for ABIL to expand its vision of disseminating knowledge by establishing a beautiful and resourceful new Islamic library on its purchased lot at 4044 Campbell Street, Regina, SK. So please help us as we work to build a new library that will become an extension of the warm and friendly spirit of the Regina Muslim community. If you have a moment, please do read more about our plans below!


The very first word that Allah SWT revealed to our Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was Iqra – Read. The world’s oldest library, Al Qarawiyyin, in Fes, Morocco was built by a Muslim woman. There was a time when Muslims valued learning and led the world in all areas of knowledge – the Golden Age of Islam. But when Muslim rulers decided to boycott the printing press, we gave up our position as the world’s guardians of knowledge. By establishing a modern Islamic library, ABIL aims to revive our faith’s emphasis on knowledge and learning within the Muslim community.


Present the best Islamic content

Muslims all over the world are faced with increasing opposition. One way in which the Al-Baaqi Islamic Library (ABIL) hopes to counter the growing negative mainstream view of Islam is to create a comfortable place of learning, a library, where we can showcase the best of classic but mostly contemporary Islamic content in the form of books and digital media. ABIL has always opened its doors to everyone and our library will be an extension of that warm welcome.


Provide a multi-purpose space for various ages and audiences

In addition to providing Islamic books and other related print and digital material about Islam, our library will be a multi-purpose space where we host educational events for various age groups: Islamic book clubs; Muslim author visits; Islamic story-times for younger audiences; etc. Our children and youth will In’Sha’Allah have a safe yet fun space where they can comfortably access the latest Islamic books and other resources not available in their schools or local public libraries. Muslim parents will have access to the latest books and research about parenting from an Islamic perspective. Our library will be an aesthetically pleasing space where we will feel proud to invite our non-Muslim and interfaith partners and friends to experience Islam through various sources of learning.


Library layout

Before embarking on building the new Islamic library, we conducted a community needs assessment survey to solicit feedback from our Muslim Community. Keeping those results in mind, and with design assistance from a leading supplier of library products, we have created a model layout for our library. The planning phase is now complete. Now ABIL needs funds to turn our shared vision into reality. Our dedicated team of volunteers has been working tirelessly to raise funds for the library renovation project.


Make history!

Ma’Sha’Allah, the Muslims of Saskatchewan have accomplished great things in the last few years. We are growing fast in the Province of Saskatchewan and the Regina is the capital of Saskatchewan. We could not manage to get Eid recognized as a holiday for our children in Regina city public schools and various other school districts in Saskatchewan. We still have not been able to create a single Islamic library for our community and for dawah to the broader public. Please help us establish a state-of-the-art Islamic library in the Regina harbour landing region and make history! Be amongst the Sabiqoon – the first to rush to a good deed!


Sadaqa Jariya Opportunity

In’Sha’Allah your contribution will be sadaqa jariya, a continuous charity that benefits you for eternity, as current and future generations of Muslims benefit from your generosity.




Please donate Now:



A Sadaqa Jariya Opportunity

E-mail transfer:



Bank Transfer: Scotia Bank

(Wife Transfer) Bank Address: 1901 Hamilton St, Regina, SK S4P 2C7


Al-Baaqi Foundation Inc.

Transit# 20008, Institution# 002

Chequing A/C# 0028312, Swift code# NOSCCATT

CRA Charity Registration# 70997 6476 RR0001



I would like to thank you in advance for your generosity and contribution to this cause which means so much to us, blessings be upon you.


For more information, please visit

1950 Broad St unit# 200
1950 Broad Street #unit# 200
Regina , Sparkbrook S4P 1X6 Canada
+ Google Map

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