Hijab: Three Modern Iranian Seminarian Perspectives – book launch

Hijab: Three Modern Iranian Seminarian Perspectives – book launch
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact email: Nacim.Pak-Shiraz@ed.ac.uk
Start Date: November 18, 2021 (19:00)
End Date: November 18, 2021 (20:00 EET)
Cost: Free
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hijab-three-modern-iranian-seminarian-perspectives-book-launch-tickets-198288344777?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch&keep_tld=1
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Join us online for the launch of Hijab: Three Modern Iranian Seminarian Perspectives in conversation with the author, Dr. Lloyd Ridgeon.

Dr. Lloyd Ridgeon’s new book addresses the differences of opinion among seminarians on the hijab in the Islamic Republic of Iran. It focuses on three representative thinkers: Murtaza Mutahhari who held veiling to be compulsory, Ahmad Qabil who argued for the desirability of the hijab, and Muhsin Kadivar who considers it neither necessary nor desirable.

John Lloyd in conversation with Professor Nacim Pak Shiraz, Personal Chair of Cinema and Iran at the University of Edinburgh, to discuss the book and its themes.

		Hijab: Three Modern Iranian Seminarian Perspectives - book launch image

How to join

This is an online event. It will take place on Zoom. Registrations close at 12.00 noon on Wednesday 17th November. All ticket-holders will be emailed joining instructions when registration has closed. Latecomers, and anyone who cannot locate their joining instructions at the time of the event, should email Nacim.Pak-Shiraz@ed.ac.uk.

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