Organizing Institution: CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security
Start Date: November 4, 2021 (18:00)
End Date: November 4, 2021 (19:00 +03)
Cost: Free
– California – United States
How can climate science support peace and security in the Middle East and North Africa?
The evidence about the conflicts we have seen around the world since the turn of the century points to a simple conclusion: Conflicts between communities, armed groups, and even military forces are increasingly being affected by changing climates, environmental degradation, food security, and the struggle to control a finite pool of natural resources. Because of a changing climate, the way governments and communities manage land, water, and food systems is now more than ever a pivotal factor in whether societies can endure peace.
Join CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security and a panel of high-level experts to find solutions and analysis of how climate science can support peace and security in the Middle East and North Africa.
How can we bridge the gaps between science and policy?