Intro to Iftaa

Intro to Iftaa
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: As-Suffa
Contact email:
Start Date: August 30, 2023 (7:30pm)
End Date: August 30, 2023 (9:030pm)
Cost: £30/month
As-Suffa Institute – Birmingham – United Kingdom

As-Suffa is pleased to announce a part time Intro to Ifta course. This is an advanced level of study for graduates of the Alimiyyah Course. This programme of study, which takes place every Wednesday evening, is tailored to equip students with advanced knowledge of fiqh and further develop their research skills.

As well as offering an avenue of further learning post-graduation, this course is designed to provide students the capacity to apply their theoretical studies practically in real-life settings. Alongside weekly classes, under the supervision of the teacher, students should expect to take part in class discussions with the view to understanding fiqh rulings from the earliest of fiqh texts.

Furthermore, students will be provided with the appropriate reading materials and in turn, posed questions relating to fiqh injunctions which they must research and provide answers to. Students are encouraged to develop their ability to navigate through the texts of fiqh, improve their research skills thus promoting awareness of key fiqh rulings.

Prior to starting the Intro to Ifta course students are expected to have graduated from an institute that follows the Dars-e-Nizami syllabus, or its equivalent.

As-Suffa Institute
156 High Street
Birmingham , B6 4UX United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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