Organizing Institution: Introduction To Islamic Investing
Start Date: October 24, 2021 (11:00am)
End Date: October 24, 2021 (1:00pm PMD)
Cost: Free
– California – United States
WVMA welcomes Azzad Asset Advisors for a two part series on shariah compliant investing.
West Valley Muslim Association is pleased to organize three weekly series on Islamic Financing.
WVMA hosted part one of the three sessions on Islamic Finance last Sunday October 10th. The Zoom session was on the topic of Islamic Banking and home financing with guest speakers David Loundy, Chair and CEO of Devon Bank and Ali Khurram, SVP Mortgage.
We look forward to hosting the next session this coming Sunday October 17th, between 11:00 am -1:00 pm PST. The topic is Shariah Compliant investing. We are honored to have with us , the Chair and founder of Azzad Asset along with expert advisors.
Please see photos and bios of the speakers below. We encourage you to ask your questions ahead of time by emailing our moderator as [email protected]
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Please submit your questions in advance to Sr Reshma Hyder at [email protected].
Note: Q&A session will not be recorded.
Disclaimer: This is a series of independent events only to ‘inform and educate’ the community members about the relevant topics. No financial advice or recommendation on investments should be taken as legally binding. WVMA or the organizations including sponsors and guest speakers are not to be held responsible or accountable for the knowledge they share at these events.
Copyright © 2021 West Valley Muslim Association, All rights reserved.
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West Valley Muslim Association
12370 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road
Saratoga, CA 95070
Mr Bashar Qasem-Founder CEO Azzad.
Mr. Qasem is one of the leaders and foremost experts on halal investing in the United States. Coverage of him and Azzad has appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, Reuters, the Chicago Tribune, CBS News, Voice of America, and many others.
Mr. Qasem holds the designation of the Certified Shari’ah Auditor and Adviser (CSAA) from the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) in Bahrain and holds investment advisory license series 65. Mr. Qasem has served as the Azzad Funds chairman since their inception.
Mr. Qasem is a shareholder and investor in many of Azzad’s investment portfolios, including the Azzad Mutual Funds. He enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with his family.