Organizing Institution: Jannah Institute
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: September 25, 2023 (7:00pm)
End Date: September 25, 2023 (8:00pm CDT)
Cost: $275.00 USD
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This course is an introductory course covering fundamentals of Quranic Arabic. Students will be introduced to crucial concepts of noun-based sentences (jumlah ismiyyah). By the end of the course, students will be able to recognize and understand the casing (i.e. irab) of nouns, recognize and parse noun-based sentences, and most importantly, appreciate the nuanced beauty of Quranic Arabic.
Mandatory Prerequisites:
Students should be able to read the Quran comfortably with correct vowel markings. Tajweed is not a requirement for this course.
Ustadha Fuseina Mohamad
Class Times:
Mondays & Wednesdays, 7-8 PM CT
September 25 – December 20, 2023
12 weeks
Further Details:
This class will be conducted live on Zoom. Further information will follow after registration.
Please email [email protected] for more details.