Organizing Institution: Islam UK Centre
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: March 23, 2022 (8:00pm GMT+03)
End Date: March 23, 2022 (9:00pm GMT+03)
Cost: Free
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With our public seminar series, the Islam-UK Centre aims to promote scholarly and public understandings of Muslims and Islam in Britain.
Speaker: Dr Sana Rizvi
Title: Towards religious citizenship and inclusion: Challenging patriarchal, able-bodied interpretations of religion
Dr. Sana Rizvi is a Senior Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood Studies at Liverpool John Moores University. Her research centers on the educational experiences of minoritized communities at various intersections, exclusionary processes that affect minoritized communities, and the experiences of BIPoC staff and students within a UK HE context. She is passionate about teaching on the subjects of racial inequalities in education, critical perspectives on disability studies and inclusive education, and qualitative methodologies.
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