Organizing Institution: Islamic Networks Group (ING)
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: March 17, 2022 (7:30am PST)
End Date: March 17, 2022 (8:45am PST)
Cost: Free
– California – United States
ING Islamic Speakers Bureau: Islamophobia and its Impact on Muslims, Sikhs, and other Americans
Islamophobia is anti-Muslim racism that is based on centuries-old stereotypes about Muslims and their faith. Its reach is transnational; adversely affecting Muslims and those perceived to be Muslim in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe, as well as in nations like China, India, and Myanmar.
The speaker opens by providing a definition and examining both historical and contemporary sources which contribute to Islamophobia. They will then address all the ways that Islamophobia is disseminated, including through the media, Hollywood, politicians, the internet, and social media, and conclude with strategies for countering Islamophobia both on an interpersonal and institutional level.
Throughout the presentation, the speaker will entertain questions and have a discussion with the audience.
Speaker: Zachary Markwith (bio)