Organizing Institution: Unity Productions Foundation
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: February 25, 2023 (5:00pm)
End Date: February 25, 2023 (9:30pm EST)
Cost: $50
State Theater – Falls Church – Virginia – United States
We haven’t seen each other in years!
Join us for a special event.
Celebrating UPF’s Oscar-Qualified Film: Lamya’s Poem, sharing the impact of the Great Muslim American Road Trip, our Hollywood work, and introducing a brand new film series…
Islam’s Greatest Love Stories
The dynamic Shaykh Ubaydallah Evans, who will discuss Islam’s Foundational Love Story, the Prophet Muhammad (S) and Khadija.
When was the last time you saw a positive Muslim love story depicted in an English language movie or film series? Its a rare occurrence, if it happens at all. In most depictions, misogyny is the norm, not rahma.
Our new film series, currently in the production and fundraising phase, called “Islam’s Greatest Love Stories” is planned as a travelogue style film that explores what Islam says about love. The Quran describes love as a a divine sign, part of His mercy, and the manifestation of that in Muslim family life, is what we are exploring.
In this two-hour film series, we’ll explore numerous love stories from past to present, starting with the story of the Prophet Muhammad (S) and Sayyida Khadija, one of the foundational stories of Islam.
We’ll also look at love stories that influenced great works of architecture and literature, like the Taj Mahal. In modern context, the story of Malcolm X and his sister Ella Collins, who paid for his Hajj and helped transform his thinking, continues to be relevant to our time, and promoted justice for all. We’ll also look at how war and politics have kept families apart, as is the case with refugees.
These will be among the many stories we are excited to feature in this series, Insha’Allah, with your support.
Hear from UPF’s Award-Winning Director Alex Kronemer and Executive Producer Jawaad Abdul Rahman, who will also about the impact of our recent hit :
The Great Muslim American Road Trip: A Journey Along Route 66 to Discover How Muslims Have Enriched American Culture and Life
The event will start at 5pm and include a presentation, dinner, brief fundraising and the Oscar-Qualified Lamya’s Poem film in its entirety. It should conclude around 9pm, Insha’Allah or a little thereafter.
About Lamya’s Poem
UPF’s first animated film tells the remarkable story of a young Syrian refugee girl in the present who meets Rumi, the famous Muslim poet, 800 years in the past when he was a refugee after the Mongol invasion.
While on their own respective journeys, they meet in a shared dream world, helping each other cope with the violence around them.
They find temporary relief but have to fight outside forces as well as the demons within as they each search for a place of hope and a new home.
Rumi’s Hajj experience becomes the turning point of his story and Lamya
helps him write the poems that will save her life.
PARENTS NOTE: Due to some scenes of war, Lamya being separated from her mother, etc. some parents have felt the film is not appropriate for their young children under 10. We leave it up to each parent to decide and expect parents to monitor their children so that everyone can enjoy the experience.
For more information contact: Jamal Hashem – text 703-347-1945, [email protected].
Maryam Elsaid and Suhail Farooqui
NOVA Book Club
Hisham and Ghada Naji
Tayyib Rana and Zahra Zafar
MORE HOSTS NEEDED: Contact Jamal Hashem to host, text 703-347-1945