It Was Written

It Was Written
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: AlMaghrib
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: July 28, 2024 (10:30)
End Date: July 28, 2024 (6:30pm)
Cost: C$59 CAD
MCMASTER UNIVERSITY Burke Science Building Room 147 – Hamilton – Canada

Your Fate is Sealed…
But Can it Change?

How do you grapple with Qadr and free choice?

What is the role of Du’a in shaping your destiny?

Find out in Shaykh Suleiman Hani’s brand new seminar:

It Was Written…

A deep dive into destiny in Islam, told through several unique stories.

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It Was Written

The Study Of Destiny & Free Will


Is Free Will,
Truly Free?

From the beginning of the dunya to the end of it…

Everything before, between, and after it…

It is planned, it is written…

Not even a leaf can fall without His permission.

Then do your choices matter?

What is the role of free will in predestination?

Uncover the truth about free will and its role in the grand design.

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The Power of Dua

“The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried.” [Tirmidhi]

Dua is the most powerful weapon of a believer…

No sincere Dua goes unanswered by Allah.

But how can it change what is already written by HIm?

How does it connect with the Divine Decree?

Join us in this seminar to discover the impact of Dua in shaping your destiny.

  • Explore the basics of destiny.
  • Discover the profound role of free will and Du’a.
  • Uncover the 10 foundational principles of Al-Qadar.
  • Gain insights into Allah’s knowledge and divine will.
  • Reflect on the delicate balance of free will and destiny.
  • Learn to navigate life’s uncertainties with newfound clarity.
  • Embrace a deeper understanding of Al-Qadar.
  • Apply key principles to daily decision-making.
  • Find a sense of purpose and resilience.

Register Now

MCMASTER UNIVERSITY Burke Science Building Room 147
1280 Main St W
Hamilton , ON L8S 4L8 Canada
+ Google Map

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