Organizing Institution: The Rabbani Project
Contact email:
Start Date: October 30, 2021 (11:00)
End Date: October 31, 2021 (00:00 +03)
Cost: £0 – £20
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About this event
You are cordially invited to join us this Rabi Ul Awwal for a spectacular live online female gathering, praising the Beloved of God peace be upon him….
The Rabbani Project Presents and She Recites present:
Ladies of Light International: Honouring The Beloved (pbuh)
When: Saturday 30th October 2021
Time: 9am-10.00pm BST
Where: Online ( from the comfort of your own homes)
Join us for a gathering of light from your very own home. A full day program with over 30 guest teachers, reciters, poets, singers and drummers from over 8 countries inshaAllah! ! If you want to connect to lovers of God and the Prophet peace be upon him from across the globe in a great sisterhood of spiritual song, this event is for you! If you are in need of a self care day for your soul, and want a day to be immersed in melodious Quran and Nasheed as well as deep reminders from Ustadhas, in the comfort of your own home, this event is for you! If you are not someone who usually attends such gatherings but are intrigued to see what happens, this event is for you!
Our Guests include:
Ustadha Nagheeba Hayel
Ustadha Saara Sabbagh
Shaykha Noshin Gul
Ustadha Nishat Lal
Ustadha Badriya
Quran Reciters
Ustadha Atiiqah Suhaimi
Hafidha Nour
Hafidha Hanan Fikri
Qari’a Nusaiba Timol
Qaria Mujesira Neimarlija
Qari’a Jariatu bint haris
Qari’a Halima Nalo Afi
Mona Haydar
Pearls of Islam
Noor al Iman
Rehmani Sisters
Amina Sultani
Zahratul Madinah
Jumana Moon
Desert Echo Drums
Medina Tenour
Tauhirah Adams
Nana Collective
Rumi’s Qasida Collective
We do not want to turn anyone away from such a gathering and hence have made tickets free so that everyone is able to benefit.
However, this event has been organised by a *very* small group of volunteers and at the generosity of many wonderful guests above. We would love to be able to cover the costs of running the event itself. If you are able to donate £10 towards the event, please consider doing so.
For a slightly more generous donation of £20, you will receive exclusive access to the online recording of the *full* ZOOM event for the duration of Rabi Ul Awwal inshaAllah. This is great if you cannot attend the full event live or you want to be uplifted through the songs of praise, melodious recitation and meaningful reminders through Rabi Ul Awwal inshaAllah, or if you wish to gift someone the opportunity to watch the event.
This event has also been sponsored by a few generous businesses and organisations-
Pearls of Islam Drumming School
Desert Echo Daff School
Sacred Islamic Wills
Do you run a business or organisation and are interested in sponsoring the event as well?
Get in touch with us at
Please do share this event with your female friends and family from across the world! Please note this is a LADIES ONLY EVENT.
We look forward to seeing and connecting with you all virtually and spiritually inshaAllah!