Men of Islam: Solat Workshop

Men of Islam: Solat Workshop
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: IslamicEvents.SG
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: October 26, 2022 (8:00pm)
End Date: October 26, 2022 (9:30pm)
Cost: $45 (All Session including Physical Session) | $15 (per session)
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Friday Evening – You go to a masjid wanting to do your Friday prayers. After the Khatib ends his Khutbah; everyone proceeds to stand up, fill up the gaps and align themselves to the proper Saf. 

Here is the first realisation;

– You realise that some of our brothers put their legs close, while some put their shoulders together. 

Then as the Solat commences and ends, you come to a sudden realisation and unknowingly take notice of some things; 

 – Why do some place their toes on the ground when they sit down during solat and others don’t? 

– Why do some people move their fingers while takhiyyat akhir, while some don’t? 

Learn more about Solat through the; Men of Islam: Solat Workshop! Understand and internalise the correct way of Solat to ensure near-to-perfect ibadah for our daily lives. Together with Ustaz Hakim Yaakob, Every Monday, starting 26 Oct 22; 8pm – 9:30pm. On top of that a physical session on the last day at Islamicevent’s Studio!

Here are the topics covered for the workshop: 

1) Understanding the Importance of Prayer (26th October 2022)

2) Internalising Surah Al-Fatihah; Correcting and Understanding (2nd November 2022)

3) Learn the Different Solat Sunat and How to Do them (9 November 2022)

4) Learn the Correct Way of Solat Movements (16 November 2022)

5) Practical Solat Session: Putting in Everything Together [Physical Session @ One Tanerry] (23 November 2022)




Venue: Online (Zoom) and Offline (@One Tanerry, Islamicevents’ Studio)

  • Registered participants will be invited into the Zoom session.
  • Do download on your device if you have not done so. 
  • Do check your email for the link 4 hours before the session start.

Day/Date: Starting on Wednesday, 26 October 2022 (Session is on every Wednesday)

• Total of 5 weeks

• Time : 8:00pm to 9:30pm

• 1.5 hours of weekly session (lesson + Q&A)

Fees : 

$15 per session (Participants will be given notes + a recording of that day’s session ONLY)

$45 non-member (Participant will be given access to the recording of all the 5 sessions)

$35 ISGN member (participant will be given access to the recording of all the 5 sessions)

( Members – If you are already a member, get your ISE Membership Number ready before registering. (eg: ISE 000001)

Be an member and enjoy immediate discounts and gain more points, visit >>

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