Peaceful: Tips To Obtain Tranquility In This Life And The Next

Peaceful: Tips To Obtain Tranquility In This Life And The Next
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Guided Hearts Institute and CLE State MSA
Contact email:
Start Date: September 10, 2022 (5:00pm)
End Date: September 10, 2022 (9:00pm EDT)
Cost: $25 – $30
Student Center Ballroom – Cleveland – Ohio – United States

Ustadha Dunia Shuaib, Shaykh Musa Sugapong, and Imam Ahmad Deeb teach how to obtain eternal peace through the scope of mental health.

Day-to-day activities often result in stress, placing weight on one’s shoulders. Learning how to cope with negative feelings in a healthy manner is an essential skill to maintain mental wellness and peace. Join us to learn the necessary skills to cultivate more rest and peace within your life.

Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (52.9 million in 2020). A survey of the literature suggests that positive religious coping factors are directly associated with positive psychological outcomes; Increased religious support has been linked to lower levels of depression and increased life satisfaction (Fiala et al. 2002), and decreased emotional distress (Pargament et al. 2000).

Allah elevates the rank of a Muslim through trials. Among those trials is the navigation of one’s mental health. Islamic psychologist Ustadha Dunia Shuaib, Knowman Learning Co-Founder Shaykh Musa Sugapong, and Imam Ahmad Deeb will teach us tips to obtain tranquility in this life and the next; they’ll teach through the scope of mental health by shedding light from the Quran and Sunnah.

Student Center Ballroom
2121 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland , Ohio 44115 United States
+ Google Map

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