Organizing Institution: Islamic Networks Group (ING)
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Start Date: April 12, 2022 (5:00pm PST)
End Date: April 12, 2022 (6:30pm PST)
Cost: Free
– California – United States
ING Interfaith Speakers Bureau Panel: Peacemaking in Religion
People of faith generally declare that they and their religions value and promote peace, but in history, religion has often been enlisted to support wars. In this panel, adherents of major world religions will discuss resources for peacemaking found in the traditions and teachings of their faith and discuss how religion can contribute to peace in the world.
Throughout the event, the panelists will entertain questions and have a discussion with the audience.
Buddhist American: Ven. Tenzin Chogkyi (bio)
Christian American: Laurie Schlaepfer (bio)
Hindu American: Sheila Mohan (bio)
Jewish American: Bob Frankle (bio)
Muslim American: Ameena Jandali (bio)
Facilitator: Zachary Markwith (bio)