QURANIC WAZIFA: Weekly Friday to Thursday – Khatam in Thursday Zikr Session

QURANIC WAZIFA: Weekly Friday to Thursday – Khatam in Thursday Zikr Session
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: World Islamic Mission Canada - Masjid Noor-ul-Haram
Contact email: info@wimcanada.com
Start Date: May 27, 2022 (12:00am)
End Date: June 3, 2022 (11:59pm EDT)
Cost: Free
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/quranic-wazifa-weekly-friday-to-thursday-khatam-in-thursday-zikr-session-tickets-261145833217?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1

QURANIC WAZIFA : Khatam ul Quran – One Khatam every week starting Friday to Thursday of the week. Open to all. Book your chapter.

A powerful wazifa recommended by Respected Shaikh Habeeb Umar to shine the light and open the doors to our Masjid construction project.

Wazifa starts Friday night and ends a week later Thursday night. Each participant will read a chapter of the Holy Quran during that week in the comfort of their homes culminating with the Khatam on Thursday night in the weekly Zikr session.

Choose your chapter by booking on wazifa.eventbrite.ca

NOTE: Participants can participate in Khatam Ul Quran and request duahs for their loved ones In Sha Allah.

2478 Ninth Line
OAKVILLE , Ontario Canada
+ Google Map

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