Organizing Institution: East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre
Contact email:
Start Date: July 13, 2023 (7:00pm)
End Date: July 13, 2023 (8:30pm)
London Muslim Centre – London – United Kingdom
Beginning the journey of learning as a Muslim can be quite overwhelming. Whether you want to re-learn about Islam or have recently accepted Islam, this course will help you be orientated with the basics of faith and practice, helping guide you to make informed choices to continue further studies.
We aimed to create a learning environment that helps to unpack words, meanings and terminologies, placing them in their correct categories and taking a ‘stair-stepped’ approach to learning Islam.
In this five-week course, you will:
- Gain confidence in understanding word origins, meanings and terminologies
- Understand Allah & His divine Wisdom with scripture and law
- Take a deep dive into history and the early developments of Islam
- Be able to navigate different subjects and areas of study
- Offer worship with knowledge and build a better connection with our Creator, Allah (swt).
This is a beginner’s foundation course for Muslims and for non-Muslims who are still exploring and would like the opportunity to take a structured learning approach and join others on a similar journey.
This course is delivered entirely free and has been specially designed for the convert/revert community as part of the East London Mosque’s ‘Discover One’ project, helping new Muslims start their learning journey.
Five-week structured learning, every Thursday after ‘Asr prayers starting 13 July 2023. This course is for brothers and sisters (men and woman aged 18 and over). We do not have crèche facilities.
Further details will be shared after registration. Limited spaces available.