Sisters’ Circles

Sisters’ Circles
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: As-Suffa Education
Contact email:
Start Date: January 9, 2023 (6:30pm)
End Date: January 9, 2023 (9:30pm GMT)
Cost: Free
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As-Suffa, founded by Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, was inaugurated in 2004 primarily as a Maktab, providing essential Islamic education to children ranging from the age of 5 to 16. Throughout the years As-Suffa has grown immensely, commencing their full-time Alimiyyah course in 2008, thereafter our part-time Alimiyyah and our full-time Alimiyyah course in 2011. Both of these courses have provided rigorous education, mixing both the traditional pedagogical methods with modern teaching pedagogies, for both males and females from the age of 16 upwards at our base in Aston. Through Allah’s help As-Suffa has produced 41 Aalims and 37 Aalimahs, many of whom are now engrossed in serving their local communities and the Ummah at large.

From January 2023 As-Suffa Alimiyyah is widening its horizons beyond Birmingham, aiming to benefit enthusiastic students outside Birmingham and beyond. As-Suffa will be launching our very own stand-alone 6-year Online Alimiyyah Course for both males and females from January 2023. Such a setup allows for students to benefit from the undivided attention of their teachers. Moreover, this course will aid ardent students to benefit from the high calibre of education provided by the exceptional staff at As-Suffa. These students will be given the tools and skills to confidently serve, guide and lead their communities effectively.

This course is primarily aimed at students who are unable to commit to studying during the day due to work, studies or any other commitments, providing these students with the platform to also benefit and learn the sacred Islamic sciences. This course provides students with a firm grounding in Arabic language and the core Islamic sciences, creating competent students who are able to understand the Deen in light of the modern era. Graduates will receive shahadahs and ijazahs from their highly qualified teachers upon completion of the course, in addition to the in-depth grasp and understanding of the Deen they will undoubtedly gain from their years of study. This will lay down the foundation for graduating students to further their expertise in the Islamic Sciences.

More upcoming events

05/13/24 – 04/13/25
Counselling Tutorial Academy 8