Skygazing for Ramadan Moon

Skygazing for Ramadan Moon
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Muslim Community Center – East Bay
Contact email:
Start Date: March 22, 2023 (5:00pm)
End Date: March 22, 2023 (9:00pm PDT)
MCC East Bay – Pleasanton – California – United States

Revive the Sunnah to go outside and look for the new crescent moon in the evening sky that will mark the beginning of Ramadan.

Join us in the MCC parking lot at sunset (7:25 p.m.) on Wednesday, March 22, and join in the excitement when the young crescent moon (hilal) ushers in the Holy Month of Ramadan.

Starting at 6:30 p.m., the Tri-Valley Stargazers will also set up telescopes that will allow us to peer at other planets in the night sky. El Halal Amigos & Halal Bites of Chicago food trucks will sell dinners from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

MCC adheres to the traditional principle that Islamic lunar months begin and end based on confirmed, verifiable naked-eye sightings of the new crescent moon globally. MCC will confirm the start of Ramadan on the evening of March 22 in its newsletter (subscribe at

  • If the moon is sighted, the first night of Taraweeh will be after Isha (9 p.m.) on Wednesday, March 22 and the first day of fasting will be Thursday, March 23.
  • Otherwise, the first day of fasting is Friday, March 24 and the first night of Isha (9 p.m.) & Taraweeh prayers is Thursday, March 23.

Both the MCC website ( and the MCC’s automated phone menu (925-485-1786) will announce the start of Ramadan by 9 p.m. on Wednesday, March 22.

This Friday day, sunset in Pleasanton is at 7:25. We will look for the moon and peer at the planets and stars from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the MCC Parking Lot. Please come early as we will have long lines to view the planets in the sky with the high-visibility telescopes. To see the planets, we will turn off the lights in the MCC parking lot. Please use the light on your phone to see your way.

Since sunset will be at 7:25, we will likely be able to see the new moon by about 8:00. We will also be able to see some star clusters and the Orion Nebula.

MCC observes the beginning and end of months following the sighting of the crescent moon.

The du’a to recite if the crescent is sighted:

اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالأَمْنِ وَالإِيمَانِ، والسَّلامَةِ والإِسْلامِ، وَالتَّوْفِيقِ لِمَا تُحِبُّ وَتَرْضَى، رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكَ اللهُ

Allaahumma ahillahu ‛alaynaa bil-amni wal-eemaani, was-salaamati wal-islaami, wat-tawfeeqi limaa tuḥibbu watarḍaa, rabunaa wa rabbuk-allaahu-

O Allah, let the crescent loom above us in peace and faith, safety and Islam, and in agreement with all that You love and pleases You. Our Lord and your Lord is Allah.

(Source: Sunan Al- Tirmidhi)

Qari Amar Bellaha will also be in the Hayward Hills this Friday evening to sight the crescent moon. If sighted, he will read the special dua from high atop the hills and head down to lead the Taraweeh prayers on Friday evening at 9:30 p.m. He will be livestreaming his moonsighting atop the Hayward Hills at

MCC East Bay
5724 W Las Positas Blvd #300
Pleasanton , California 94588 United States
+ Google Map

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