Taste of jannah through hardships

Taste of jannah through hardships
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Maaria Deem
Start Date: December 22, 2023 (18:00)
End Date: December 24, 2023 (19:00 EET)
Cost: From £8.67
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/taste-of-jannah-through-hardships-tickets-763861699907?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1
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Taste of Jannah through Hardships

Taste of Jannah through Hardships

Join us for a three day incredible online event where we explore ways to experience the taste of Jannah through the lens of Qur’aan.

Uncover the divine secrets to transforming problems into personal power, all while cultivating a deeper love for life and a stronger connection with Allah.

At Salsabeel, we aim to provide a platform for reflection, growth, and connection.

Whether you’re facing personal difficulties, simply seeking a deeper understanding of life’s trials, or just longing to have a clearer perspective on the Qur’aan and grow love for Allah,this event is for you.

This is a three day event which will take place from the 22nd of December 6:00 pm and end on the 24th of December.

Day One: Rediscovering ‘It is Allah’

Day Two: Ayaat reflection: Finding Peace in ‘Allah’s Plan for You’

Day Three: Life’s Ignition: Harness the fuel.

Reserve your spot now before it’s too late.

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