Organizing Institution: CAPE TOWN MUSLIM EVENTS
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Start Date: September 7, 2023 (8:15pm)
End Date: September 7, 2023 (9:30pm)
Cost: R350
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Explore what happens to the human soul from death until Judgment Day. Learn about the death process, the soul-body relationship, states of the soul after death, and the relationship between the dead and the living. Don’t miss out on this vital topic!
- From One World to Another
- The Meaning and Truth of Death
- The Bliss of the Interspace between the Two Worlds
- The Punishment of the Interspace (Barzakh)
- How can a Man save Himself from the Punishment of the Grave before it is too late?
- What can the Living do to Rescue the Dead Person from Punishment?
- Questions, Blessings & Punishments
This online course is recommended for anyone interested in understanding the next realm of existence and the journey of the soul after death. It is suitable for individuals of all backgrounds and religions who are curious about this important topic.
Instructor: Moulana Muaadth Allie
Moulana Muaadth Allie is the Director and founder of The Sakinah Foundation, Co-Imam at the Castle Town Road Masjid, Graduate of Darul Ulum Newcastle (KZN). Marriage counsellor, Cape Town Muslim Events and The Knowledge Zone resident lecturer, Jumuah lecturer all around Western Cape & Free-lance Islamic / Spiritual adviser. Teaching since 1998
Date and Time:
- Thursday for 5 weeks
- Starting 7th September
- Break for School Holiday on the 5th Oct 2023
- Ends 12th October 2023
- Time: 8.15pm to 9.30pm
Investment: (per Device)
R350 once off
The Cape Town Muslim Events (CTME) Education Institute provides a range of courses for students hoping to deepen their knowledge of Islam . The institute does not receive any funding or donations, and the course fees are used to cover the running costs of their online and onsite establishments.
- Zoom Meeting Live
- Sessions are also recorded to view after up to the 2 weeks