The Lawful and Unlawful

The Lawful and Unlawful
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: Cape Town Muslim Events
Contact email:
Start Date: August 4, 2022 (7:30pm)
End Date: August 4, 2022 (9:00pm)
Cost: Early Bird Once Off Fee – R520.00
– California – United States
  • Thursdays for 8 Weeks
  • Starting 4th August 2022
  • Ends 22nd September 2022
  • 7.30pm to 9pm
  • This course is Online only
  • Available also on demand
  • Course code (#LU1)

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

This course will discuss what is halal and haram in Islam beyond what we clearly know within the realm of worship. The course will deal with matters such as the halal and haram of food, earnings, clothing and hijab, manners and etiquettes, and other minorities-related miscellaneous issues..

The Messenger of Allāh [peace be upon him] said: “The lawful is clear and the unlawful is clear. Between the two are doubtful matters that many people are not aware of…” [Bukhārī: 52 and Muslim: 1599]

Topics will include:

Session One (The Basics): Initial definitions. Why are some things ḥarām and how common is the ḥarām compared to the ḥalāl? Dangers in the commission of ḥarām.

Session Two (Islāmic principles in relation to the ḥarām): 1- Permissibility is the default. 2- Determination of the allowed and the prohibited is the domain and prerogative of Allāh alone. 3- Prohibition carries the corollary of harm. 4-There is sufficient ḥalāl to generally not require the ḥarām. 5-When ḥarām cannot be avoided except by avoiding something else as well then the latter becomes ḥarām also. 6-Using trickery to the compulsory is ḥarām also. 7-Good intentions do not justify the commission of ḥarām. 8-The avoidance of the doubtful. 9-If something is prohibited it is prohibited to all. 10-Necessity renders lawful what is normally prohibited.

Session Three: The sunnah in eating and drinking. Ḥalāl and ḥarām animals. Islāmic slaughtering. Also intoxicants, drugs, and smoking.

Session Four (Clothing and adornment): The general laws pertaining to dress for males and females. Hijāb and Niqāb, which of the two is the sharī`ah requirement? The Islāmic rulings on a variety of related issuses such as make-up, jewellery, plucking of eyebrows, dyeing the hair, tattoos, and cosmetic surgery as opposed to corrective surgery.

Session Five (Business and Earnings): The types of lawful income. The prohibition of acquiring stolen property and its exceptions. Islāmic rulings for interest, gambling, the use of credit cards, insurance, and health plans etc

Session Six (The Sexual Instinct): The secret of human sexuality. `Awrah. Intermingling of the sexes. Zinā. Dating. Masturbation. Homosexuality.

Session Seven (Play and Recreation): Finding balance in modern times. Joking and jesting. The virtual reality of social media and the Internet. Games and sports: boxing, karate, chess etc. Music and singing. Movies and the cinema. Holidays or Holy-days?

Session Eight (Interpersonal Behaviour):  With other Muslims. With non-Muslims.

Instructor: Moulana Muaadth Allie

Online: Zoom

Investment (per person) Fee includes:
  • Access to all 8 Live sessions or On Demand
  • Notes via email or WhatsApp


Payment Option A:

Early Bird Once Off Fee – R520.00 Per device [Pay only once and save R40]


Payment Option B:

2 payments of R280.00 per device

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