Organizing Institution: Muslim Litfest Birmingham
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: February 18, 2024 (2:00pm)
End Date: February 18, 2024 (3:00pm)
Cost: Free
Moseley Community Hub – Balsall Heath – United Kingdom
Join Dr. Musharraf Hussain for a journey into the heart of the Quran, exploring its timeless wisdom and its relevance in today’s world.
This lecture will help you understand the impact of reading the Quran with comprehension and gain insights into Dr. Hussain’s journey of translating the Quran into English, and his vision of bridging cultural and linguistic gaps in understanding this holy text.
Dr. Musharraf Hussain, a distinguished Islamic scholar and a dedicated servant of the Muslim community in the UK, has been deeply engaged with the Quran since his youth. After memorizing the Quran and mastering Arabic under renowned scholars, Dr. Hussain embarked on a mission to make the Quran more accessible and understandable. His efforts culminated in the creation of “The Majestic Quran,” a plain English translation officially recognized and certified in 2017 by Dr. Ibrahim Negm, Senior Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Egypt.
Moseley Community Hub, B12 9AH
Moseley Community Hub
496 Moseley Rd
Balsall Heath , Birmingham B12 9AH United Kingdom
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