The University of Manitoba MSA Annual Conference 2021

The University of Manitoba MSA Annual Conference 2021
Contributed By: events coordinator
Organizing Institution: University of Manitoba Muslim Students' Association
Contact email: [email protected]
Start Date: November 13, 2021 (2:30am)
End Date: November 15, 2021 (3:30am EET)
Cost: Free
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Join us from November 12th to 14th for our Annual Islamic Conference.

Assalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah.

May this reach you with the best of health and Iman.

We would like to welcome you to our Annual Islamic Conference 2021.

We will be focusing on 2 themes this year,

1) Indeed after hardship there is ease – Dealing with Hardship in the Prophetic Manner.

2) One Man Many Responsibilities – Productive Principle from the Life of the Prophet (Peace and Blessings be upon Him).

Through an interactive, religious, academic, psychological, and social approach our keynote speakers will take us through Lessons from the Sunnah. Program to be released in the coming days.

The Speakers who are joining for this upcoming Conference –

1) Sheikh Ismael Mukhtar

2) Sheikh Mohiuddin Omar

3) Sheikh Abdullah Ayaz Mullaney

4) Sheikh Navaid Aziz

5) Sheikh Majed Mahmoud

6) Sheikh Suleiman Hani

7) Sheikh Aarij Anwer

8) Omar Chamisa

9) Dr. Natasha Ali

Kickstarting our event on November 12th we will be hosting 2 evening sessions from 7 to 9 PM. Following this is a two-day conference on November 14th and 15th from 10:30 AM – 07:00 PM online in Zoom.

For more details, please message us on social media. Q and A periods will follow each section of our event.

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