Organizing Institution: Aksaa
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Start Date: July 18, 2022 (09:30)
End Date: July 18, 2022 (16:00 BST)
Cost: Free
Masjid Bilal & Islamic Centre – London – United Kingdom
This workshop will enable participants to have a good grounding in the Islamic faith and Muslim cultural and traditional practices.
Understanding Islam & Muslim Culture
A course designed to develop intercultural competency skills for those working with Muslim Communities
This workshop will enable participants to have a good grounding in the Islamic faith and Muslim cultural and traditional practices.
Also, an opportunity to tackle Islamophobia.
Venue: Masjid Bilal & Islamic Centre, 295 Barking Rd, London. E6 1LB
Date: Monday 18 July 2022 Time: 9:30am to 4.00pm
The course is delivered by Kaushar Tai, Management and Training Consultant, Aksaa
This course is FREE
Learning Outcomes:
• A better understanding of the basic beliefs & practices of Islam.
• An understanding of the background of Muslim communities in Britain.
• Clarity in understanding what is Islam and what it is not.
• The meaning of Sharia Law.
• A deeper understanding of the status of women in Islam.
• An understanding of the true meaning of Jihad.
• Insights into what actually happens inside a Mosque.
• An appreciation of the Islamic understanding of the purpose of Life.
• An opportunity to observe the afternoon prayer – live!
Who is it for?
• Open to everyone who wishes to learn more about Islam & Muslim culture.
• Anyone working in the public, private, and voluntary sectors or civil service.
This course offers an exploratory learning space where a questioning approach is encouraged.
Lunch, refreshments, and training materials will be provided.
To register your place, go to:
Aksaa is a Registered and Accredited Learning Centre for CPD – Continuous Professional Development
An accredited certificate is available
Comments from previous delegates about the Islam course:
“There were so many things I took from the day that I can’t possibly put into words quickly, but suffice to say, I found it extremely informative and at times very touching”
Julie Purnell | Regional HR Business Partner – ITV West country
“I feel that more people should participate in course like that to gain a greater insight to things we generally have litle knowledge about., and as we are all aware lack of knowledge lends itself greatly to discrimination”.
Anthony O’Farrell- Training Dept – HMP Liverpool
“I think I can say that I found this one of the most informative and helpful courses I have ever attended. It cut through any preconceptions I had about Islam and Muslim culture and it has really helped me to understand what it is like to be a Muslim in this country.
I would recommend this course without hesitation. Most enlightening”.
Iona Butler – Kent Adult Social Services
Doncaster & South Humber “After spending a day with you and the other people, representing the public and voluntary sectors learning about what being a Muslim in today’s world means I feel much more confident that I am better prepared to communicate with this important audience. It was quite an honour to sit at the back and watch one of the five prayer sessions”.
Barbara Mesa-Marketing and PR Manager
“..We were given a fascinating insight into Islam from the perspective of a woman. The speaker was very engaging, informative & it was apparent that she was dedicated to her faith. Every effort was made to answer all questions & once again this led to some very interesting discussion & debate”.
Valerie M Wordsworth – Service Improvement Assistant
“Everyone appreciated the spirit of openness and a willingness to share knowledge of the Muslim faith. Each member of staff who attended has come away from the course having gained a better understanding of Islam which will greatly assist us when working within the community”
Sally Fellows-Programme Manager-Tinsley Surestart
“I found the whole day to be extremely interesting and informative. It was refreshing to hear fact separated from myth and, perhaps most importantly, clearly defined the differences between religion and culture”.
Department of Trade & Industry, -Employment Services,
Isle of Man Government
“As a supervisor in a public service and as an individual I feel it is important to be aware of diversity in the organisation and the community it serves, this course has certainly educated me in aspects of Islam and I feel that I can encourage members of staff to attend and be confident that they will further their knowledge and awareness..”
Rhona J WaltonT/Administrative Supervisor
“We were impressed with the trainers’ vast knowledge & experience which they shared in an open & honest manner. No question was left unanswered, with examples given from personal experience, which made it more realistic & prompted discussion”
Allison Morgan – Housing Training Office.
1 July 2019
Testimonial for Aksaa Re: Islam Awareness Course
Kaushar has been delivering Introduction to Islam & Muslim Culture courses for us at the University of Portsmouth since 2017 and has consistently received positive feedback from delegates. The workshop provides valuable insights into the Muslim Culture; allows delegates to ask question to aid the development of their knowledge and understanding; and the inclusion of a visit to a local mosque is a real highlight.
Delegates have commented on the value of “..Being able to ask anything without fear of feeling ignorant, intrusive or causing any unintended offence..” and how appreciative they were of Kaushar’s “…informative, patient, even-handed…” delivery.
We are looking forward to welcoming Kaushar to the University of Portsmouth for further workshops in the next academic year.
Kass Hawkley
Learning & Development Adviser
Learning & Development
University of Portsmouth
023 9284 3382
Testimonial For:
Kaushar Tai – Management and Training Consultant and Director of Aksaa
March 2019
I first met Kaushar Tai after attending his course “Introduction to Islam & Muslim Culture in Leeds. Following on from that initial meeting we discussed the possibility of him delivery culture awareness training for staff at Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service. Kaushar was able to develop a half day course, which linked into the work our staff carryout within the community. This training has now been delivered to over 150 staff from Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service and Merseyside Police.
Kaushar Tai has also helped develop a booklet Health and Safety – An Islamic Perspective which includes links to fire safety legislation. This booklet is being used as part of a wider national NFCC (National Fire Chief Councils) Project. He has also facilitated a number of meetings and conferences with members of the Muslim, Sikh and Hindu Communities from across Merseyside to help improve our community engagement and highlight the importance of fire safety.
Kaushar has also recently facilitated a joint collaboration event with Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service and Merseyside Police.
The aim of the event held in November, was to bring together representatives from as many different faiths as possible along with the chaplains who support both organisations to celebrate how “Faith makes our communities of Merseyside stronger”, and was an opportunity to hear how other faiths are working together. In total we had 20 people from across Merseyside representing the Islamic, Jewish; Christian and Sikh faiths attended the event. This event has led to further community engagement events.
Wendy Kenyon Chartered Fellow CIPD
Diversity, Engagement and Consultation Manager
Merseyside Fire &Rescue Service
Service Head Quarters
Bridle Road
L30 4YD
Vicky Campbell
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
Equality and Diversity Coordinator
Tel 0151 296 4236
Testimonial for Kaushar Tai Director of Aksaa
“Kaushar is a Management and Training Consultant and Director of Aksaa. I have known him for 2 1/2, years when I first commissioned him to deliver Islamic Awareness and Cultural Competency Training for over 80 Social Workers and Foster Carers in the North London Adoption and Fostering Consortium. The Consortium comprises 6 north London Local Authorities who work together to provide adoption and fostering services.
The feedback from the training was very positive. Since then, Kaushar has assisted the NLAFC in helping us to recruit Muslim Foster Carers and Adopters across the London area. We have held four recruitment events, which he chaired, and helped organise through planning and monitoring meetings.
The outcomes of all these sessions were very successful in raising awareness about the Islamic perspective on fostering and adoption and recruiting potential Adopters and Foster Carers. The last such event was held at the Regents Park Mosque, on 16 April 2016, where over 280 people attended. Kaushar also helped produce a Briefing Paper on the Islamic Perspective on Fostering and Adoption which he presented to a group of Islamic Scholars at the Regents Park Mosque on the 17 February 2016, and helped in the development of leaflets, advertising and publicity materials.
Kaushar’s industry, enthusiasm, commitment and passion in Fostering and Adoption has helped him drive this campaign forward. He is, himself, a Foster Carer which has helped in addressing many of the questions raised about Fostering and Adoption among the Muslim Community. I know that he has also assisted other agencies with recruitment and training and would highly recommend him to any Local Authority wishing to develop their recruitment and training services within their local Muslim Communities.”
Peter Stevens,
Manager, NLAFC – North London Adoption and Fostering Consortium
07596 442526
24 July 2019
Testimonial for Kaushar Tai – Director of Aksaa
Kaushar delivered a workshop on Islamophobia at the LYPFT Staff CPD event in May 2019.
Kaushar is a very professional and engaging facilitator and tailored the workshop with a specific focus on mental health service delivery for our clinicians. It was a very popular session and comments from participants included:
“Excellent, really enjoyed it” “I wish this session was longer”
The resources provided in the workshop were very much appreciated and valued as a feature to be included in teams and services by attendees.
Ruby Bansel
Diversity & Inclusion Project Manager
Diversity & Inclusion
St Mary’s House
St Mary’s Road
Tel: 0113 8559916
Mobile: 07980 956590
Registered Charity No. 1055931-14
21 August 2019
Head of Pastoral & Spiritual Care
Fieldhead Hospital
Ouchthorpe Lane
Tel: 01924 316286 (direct)
01924 316282 (office)
Re: Kaushar Tai
I was fortunate some years ago to participate in a Muslim Awareness event led by Kaushar. More recently, he and I have collaborated in arranging and presenting a number of training events in the West Yorkshire area.
These have included leadership skills for faith leaders and non-violent communication skills. In planning are further joint workshops on Muslim and Christian understandings of mental health and compassion-based approaches to care.
Kaushar is a remarkably gifted man who brings outstanding skills and commitment to the presentation and delivery of the projects he is involved with. His organisational skills are of the highest order and his workshops and training events always receive very high levels of positive feedback.
He has, in addition, the ability to handle very sensitive issues with exemplary diplomacy and tact and the interpersonal skills to engage with all sections of society.
Yours sincerely
Mike Gartland MSc. M.Ed. BA(Hons) Dip Psych. UKCP
Head of Pastoral & Spiritual Care & SIM Project Lead
South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Fieldhead Hospital
Wakefield WF1 3SP
Further comments and letters can be found on our website
AKSAA Management & Training Consultants
For further information please contact:
Kaushar Tai at Aksaa on 0781 3811914
If you require Aksaa to deliver an in-house course or a ‘specialised’ course specifically for your organisation, then please contact above or email: to discuss your requirements.