Organizing Institution: Finding Your Way
Start Date: May 14, 2023 (12:00pm)
End Date: May 14, 2023 (4:00pm BST)
Cost: £50.00
Museum of Making at Derby Silk Mill – Derb – United Kingdom
Do you feel disconnected from your true self?
Are you seeking a deeper understanding of yourself and the decisions you make?
Are you tired of repeating the same patterns in your relationships and want to make positive changes?
Then this interactive workshop is one for you to attend. It will begin a process of self-discovery and deep-rooted change to help you live an Islam-centred life.
Worksheets provided
Unlimited Tea and Cofee
Light refreshments
Details on Ustadha Misba:
Ustadha Misba has studied under numerous shuyookh both in the UK and abroad. She has a BA honours in Arabic from the University of Manchester in addition to graduating from the University of Alexandria in Egypt. After which she went on to further enhance her Arabic studies in Damascus for a short period before returning to the UK.
Alongside her Arabic studies, Ustadha Misba studied tajweed in Egypt and received her ijaza in the Qira’a of Hafs.
Whilst in the UK, she studied under many prestigious scholars including the Dars e Nizami course with Allama Rasul Baksh Saeedi.
She has travelled to Tarim, Yemen and studied under the Habaaib and their family and taught Quran at Dar al Zahra
She has had the honour of teaching the children of Shaykh Muhammad al Yaqoubi for a year in Morocco and has ijaza in Sahih Bukhari from the noble Shaykh.
During her further studies in Morocco, she took ijaza in the Qira’a of Warsh and also ijaza in the classical Ajrummiyah text. Additionally she studied tajweed with Shaykh Tawfiq Nouri in Fez and had the honour of studying Riyadh us Saaliheen and benefiting immensely from the late Shaykh Muhammad at-Tawil in Fez.
She also took ijaza in Shama’il Muhammadiyah and Arba’een Nawawi from the son of The Great Muhadith of Morocco, the late, Allama Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Siddiq al Ghomari and also took ijaza from The Grand Muhadith Allama Abdullah bin Abdul Qadir al Talidi al Hasani in Tanger
She resides in Derby as the founder of Evergreen Collective, a charity that ecnourages diversity and more female Muslim representation in activities relating to physical, mental and spiritual wellebing. She is also completing her Masters in Educational Leadership at The University of Cambridge and is the founder of Finding Your Way, a programme of interactive workshops and seminars which support a stronger spiritual connection and balance using traditional Islamic books and texts.
Instagram: @_misba.khan / @_findingyourway
Tiktok: misbakhanfyw
Museum of Making at Derby Silk Mill
Silk Mill Lane
Derb , DE1 3AF United Kingdom
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